Since this post just passed by my timeline, how about a thread on some big ass crocs!

To start it off we have the infamous Lolong from the Philippines. The largest crocodile ever properly measured, he was 6.17 meters long and 1075 kg. Quite the monster.
Since Lolong's death in 2013, the record for largest crocodile in captivity now falls to Cassius the Saltwater crocodile from Australia which measures 5.48 meters long.
But wait.. could there be more? Yai is a Saltwater-Siamese crocodile hybrid from Thailand and although reports of his size seem to vary from 5.5 m to 6 m, Adam Britton seems to agree that he is "no doubt larger than Cassius."
Of course, there are quite a few reports of giant wild crocodiles out there, but only time will tell if they will ever be properly measured. Notable individuals include "Brutus" (est. 5.6 m) and "Dominator" (est. 6.1 m) pictured below.
Moving on from living crocs, we have the Fly River specimen which was a Saltwater crocodile from Papua New Guinea that was caught in a net and drowned. The skin measured 6.2 meters long (larger than Lolong) and since it was dried, it could have been even longer!
And then we move on to specimens whose total lengths were never definitively measured, but we can at least compare their skull measurements to get a decent idea of how big they were.
First we have the largest Saltwater crocodile skull on record. A specimen from Cambodia killed in the early 1800s. It had a head length of 76 cm. Compare that to Lolong's head length of 70 cm and the Fly River specimen's 72 cm, then we have a pretty big animal.
Another entry would be "Edgar" from Java which was reportedly 6.7 m long. His head length is just a hair longer than Lolong at 70.1 cm but with a head width of 52 cm, he has the widest skull known. Considerably wider than the Cambodia specimen's 48 cm and Lolong's 45 cm.
Then we have the longest crocodilian skull on record. Belonging to a False gharial, it is now housed in the British Museum. With a head length of 84 cm, it blows the salties out of the water. No doubt that even with its proportionally longer skull, it was a big animal.
Other crocodilians with skull lengths exceeding that of Lolong include gharials and one particularly large American crocodile which had a head length of 73.5 cm long.
And that pretty much sums it up. Of course, there are plenty of stories of giant crocodiles that far exceed the sizes of the ones listed here, but we can't exactly trust eyewitness accounts of 25 foot monsters.
Okay guys apparently gharials are bigger than I thought
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