Niggas try too hard to sound smart. You can't stand on the tallest building and see the edge cause there's something called vanishing point
Gravity still exists on a flat Earth but not from the Earth's rotation. That's why you cannot simulate gravity on anything that is a sphere cause things aren't attracted to rotating objects
Time zones still work the same as they would on a flat Earth map. Literally nothing complicated about it
The UN logo is literally a flat Earth map. Truth hidden in plan sight
Other plants are not spheres like Earth is thought to be. When you look at other plants through a telescope they just look like a blobs of light, very similar to stars. The pictures of plants are all CGI that's why they never look the same
The sun and moon are actually the same size and closer to the Earth. Each lights up it's side of the Earth. Seasons happen the same way they would on a round Earth when the sun moves North (to the center) for South Africa's winter and opposite for the winter. ITCZ is the same
The sun and moon being the same also makes more sense cause of how eclipses happen. The moon completely covers the sun when they finally catch up to each other and overlap
Indoctrination of the Earth being round is way deeper than we think it is. When they say the Earth is round then it brings the idea of there being other planets and forms of life out there. A never ending galaxy. Making humans feel worthless like they're just another organism...
Floating on a piece of rock in space. They manage to take away the most important thing to humans and that is purpose. It's easier to control people with no sense of purpose of belonging cause they'll always seek an identity from the world.
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