thinking about matsuhana both fucking shitfaced and staring at each other and matsukawa slurring, 'heyy sexyy' and hanamaki hiccupping and saying, 'i have a bboyfrien d' and matsukawa making an absolutely dismayed face and going 'w-well you deserve TWO boyfriends' and +
hanamaki laughing until he cries and then matsukawa starting to giggle helplessly too and trying to kiss him but hanamaki shoving him off and reminding him, dazedly, 'boyfriend i have a BOYFRIEND' and matsukawa points his finger at him and his aim is off by so much but he says +
'ill Fight him for u' and hanamaki saying 'you CANT hes too buff' really mournfully and matsukawa hiccuping out his reply 'whats his name i hate him' and hanamaki sighs, 'issei......' and matsukawa gasps and points at himself and says, 'thats ME!!!!!!' and hanamaki squints +
at him and then gasps '!! issei!!!!!!!' and kisses him really sloppily and oikawa and iwaizumi are filming and losing their minds because the level of blackmail this night contains is insane
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