Why, as a Catholic woman, I am disappointed by the Church’s response to @AOC's video.

For those who don’t know, AOC posted a video of multiple statues from the crypt in the US Capitol and asked the viewer, “Who do you see? Who do you not see?” These questions were asked in the context of a discussion on racism and sexism in our society. 2/n
One of these randomly selected statues was of Father Damien. Many Catholics sprang to (what they perceived) the defense this saint. While I always appreciate the stories of saints being shared, the messages in response were those of hatred towards a fellow Catholic (AOC). 3/n
These messages were then further shared by my fellow Catholics and Catholic leaders out of context. As someone who has not been able to go to Mass since March (which includes receiving the Eucharist & experiencing the community of the Church)... 4/n
I felt that the chorus of quick judgement and lashing out was the sermon that I received this weekend. It was an uninformed sermon of anger that attacked AOC: A woman leader & role model for many young women. A woman who speaks - and acts - on her Catholic faith 5/n
To say I am disappointed is an understatement. 6/n
I am hurt that our Catholic community is so broken to the point that it is easier to tear down a fellow Catholic than to reflect on our role – as an individual, community, & Church – in the racism & sexism that so greatly harms our society and faith. 7/7
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