Exactly, and again, the problem isn't that CTH is brainwashing people to be Nazis.

The problem is that they're telling their audience it's cool to use Nazi memes "ironically," and using guest spots to introduce and effectively endorse people who *do* spout coded red-brown stuff. https://twitter.com/NotConvincing/status/1289666532004388864
It's not that CTH crosses the line into red-brown territory, it's that they associate with and promote people who are an in network that very much does cross the the line into red-brown territory.

And then they're basically are like "lol that territory doesn't exist, nerds."
So when their listeners go listen to Cum Town and end up in a subreddit with literal Nazbols, it never even occurs to them to be like "these guys are awfully fond of that clown frog meme, maybe something is wrong here."
Instead CTH has convinced them the whole thing is not only not a Nazi dogwhistle but is actually a leftist in-joke, so they think it *proves* those Nazbols are just spicy fellow leftists.

They let their guard down even more.
And again, this isn't hypothetical, this happens in r/stupidpol all the time.

They'll be like "lol, Gwen's on one today, she thinks 88 is a Nazi thing" and make jokes about it.

They'll literally think I made it up and the racists with 88 in their @'s are all spicy leftists.
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