I am really and truly sick of this shit, but once again:

The entire problem with dirtbag micro-celebs laundering far right memes into the left is that fans who don't spend time looking at the far right don't realize what it is they're being exposed to. https://twitter.com/neroncoe/status/1289659855477694464
No, I don't think most CTH fans understand that when Christman starts posting about honks and honkpilling and his fans start posting about how "Honkler did nothing wrong" and "14 honks," it's all engaging what is very literally a pro-Hitler meme.
I don't think Christman posted that shit because he's secretly taking orders from Hitler's Antarctic base or whatever, I think he posted it because he is too ironydead and nihilistic to care that the impact is that he's telling a bunch of people that a Hitler meme is fine.
Of course I don't think that well-adjusted adults are going to see a clown frog meme and start sieg heiling spontaneously.

I understand that's the strawman argument everyone likes to pretend I'm always making, but I've never said that.
I *do* think it's entirely possible that some 17 year old fan sees it, thinks it's spicy left humor, then goes on r/stupidpol and sees Nazis posting it as a dog whistle and assumes that they're spicy leftists instead of being like "oh that honk meme is a red flag."
Not only do I think it's possible, I watch that shit happen in dirtbag subreddits.

I watch young white dudes eagerly agree with capital-N Nazis hinting at literal genocide, because they don't understand that those dog whistles are bad news, not leftist in-jokes.
Like, those Nazis brag about pulling that stuff openly in their own Telegram channels.

I know, because I monitor them.

They get "leftist" teenagers nodding along with them about coded Nazi talking points because their targets don't understand what's going on.
Those targets bring that shit back into online left space more and more overtly, thinking it's just left in-jokes and not more and more explicit far right shit.

That further normalizes those veiled far right talking points in dirtbag left space, and it becomes more reactionary.
Nowhere in that cycle is someone saying "hey guys, this is a Nazi thing, I'm posting it because I like Nazi stuff."

It's Nazis trolling r/stupidpol seeing how far they can take it, and naive and uninformed young white dudes thinking the Nazis' sock accounts are fellow leftists.
I've said from the start that it's the online fan culture that's the problem, far more than the content of either the podcast hosts' hearts or the podcasts themselves.

The hosts egg on that normalization of Nazi dogwhistles and don't care about the impact.

That's the issue.
Again, I am really not keen to keep talking about the podcasts, but I am also not keen to let people try and be like "[Muslim politician] says she's listened to the podcast and you said the podcast listeners are Nazis, so say you're wrong or you're calling her antisemitic"
The problem is not grown-ass women with lives who enjoys listening to some people dunk on Bloomberg when they work out at the gym.

The problem is alienated white dudes who live for Reddit and think Matt Christman has given them permission to threaten women and use the N-word.
The problem is those dudes sinking deeper and deeper into overt racism and veiled 4chan Nazism, seeing Nazi dogwhistle memes they consider to be Chapo-approved, and assuming that means the people using them must be spicy leftists and are their friends.
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