Female autism discourse? I love female autism discourse! That's unironic because I'm autistic and I enjoy sharing information. Here I made two threads with increasingly regrettable Harry Potter references:
Enjoy! You might be autistic and not even know it, what a fun surprise!
Here's a fun summary where I use a cool example about plants and friendship (this thread is me giving you plants I hope you like them but I can't tell) https://twitter.com/CuddlePotato/status/1262274437723779077?s=19
And here's a more detailed one that includes more railing against the scientific and medical establishment: https://twitter.com/CuddlePotato/status/1197176427558293504?s=19
Girls can be autistic! It's... Not that complicated and also it's very cool and good

Please please please comment or DM me if you wanna know more or otherwise talk about this, it's a topic I care about a great deal (as you can tell)
P.S. a person in my DMs suggests Lunetian and Jupiterian instead of Rowling references

P.P.S. a lot of this stuff is also true about "female" ADHD! and there's also a huge overlap

3PS autism and transness have a higher than normal rate of co-incidence, which is neat
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