Not sure how to explain this, but ALF was quite popular.
In 1988, a Burger King promotion offered a series of ALF cardboard records and hand puppets.
There was an ALF game for SEGA.
You could buy ALF collectible trading cards (this was the late stage of of the Garbage Pail Kids trading card trend).
ALF used the phone a lot on the show, so they made an ALF phone, which was ALF holding a phone. (Collectible/novelty telephones were really popular at this time)
Reader, this existed.
Hard to imagine caring about timeless fairy tales, but, wait, what if ALF is in them?
School lunch just tastes better when it’s supplied by an asshole alien.
The wide appeal of ALF is almost unfathomable. Cartoons and comic books, but also … pinup calendars.
The Simpsons once made a joke about ALF pogs, and now, on Etsy, you can buy actual ALF pogs. And ALF pog enamel pins.
Imagine casually peacocking this bad boy out at the Putt-Putt before cashing in an entire dollar for a round of Hard Drivin’.
Posted without comment.
Kids don’t like reading or writing? No sweat: Inspire them to new academic heights with everyone’s favorite alien nihilist.
Anyway, that’s my ALF thread. The late 1980s were extremely strange. Be careful out there.
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