i see people making fun of “empaths” bc they’re like “but ur not an empath u jus have emotions

first off, it’s not nice
second off, empaths wouldn’t be mean like that

a couple things, from my experience working with people who call themselves empaths, there is a huge +
difference between standard emotions people feel on a daily basis and someone who experienced emotions as an “empath”.

idk if “empath” is a “real” thing but the experiences and the reasons people call themselves empaths is bc of their experiences.

typically: an empath is +
more sensitive to general emotional revoking situations. a moment that you may look at and then easy forget or walk past, is a moment an empath will carry with them through the entire day. they can’t just forget easily of a sad moment they experienced or watched someone else +
experienced. it can be very debilitating. their moods are affected very easily. a video, a song or an interaction can disrupt their entire day. trying to get out of that “funk” or emotion. it’s being physically uncomfortable to cause people pain or see people in pain bc of
being judged. being empathetic is typically people (as baby empaths) who have a hard time saying no to people. they will constantly say yes and try and please others. there are people who are energy vampires and they seek out empaths, bc empaths will generally endure more +
discomfort and emotional torment to make sure others feel safe. as empaths realize that their depth of emotions is powerful, they learn to say no and to set boundaries.

empaths can physically and mentally become exhausted bc they are emotionally experiencing their own +
emotions and the emotions of those around them. they can be overwhelmed by large groups of people. they can feel lonely in big crowds. and they need to recharge before they interact in large settings.
personally, learning the word empath was super healing for me. it really
made me feel less alone. it made me feel confident in the fact that i do have a sensitivity to people and emotions. it also taught me how to stick up for myself and not get used by people. it showed me that i can use my empathy for people who appreciate my time and energy and
i learned not to waste it on people who don’t appreciate me or my time. it taught me to learn to let go of people who only hurt me or take from me. to me, empaths is just a way to describe people are more emotionally sensitive. not everyone is an empath. but it’s not this
concrete idea or concept. make fun of it if you want. but it’s hurtful and not nice. empaths resonate with other empaths bc they understand the depth of each other emotional experiences. there’s many people who just blink their eyes at things that literally crush my soul and
make me wanna retreat and break down emotionally. it doesn’t happen as much anymore bc i’m working on not overwhelming myself. i guess my point is, empath are valid. it’s a valid way to identify your experience and also learning how to cope. and
i’m sure there are other ways to explain what people experience when they call themselves empaths, but this just makes sense and it doesn’t hurt anyone. so why spend time being negative or snarky about it?
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