EXPOSING @ haznostalgia

i didn’t want to do this in the first place, but things have gone personal and i just feel like this acc has really gotten out of hand. she’s done so many problematic things that people just ignored or let pass because she started acting like a victim.
first of all my friends and i have had personal experiences with her and we have witnessed multiple times that she twists the truth and even told her followers things that are untrue and onesided. but here comes the actual exposing part:
tw// blood


i’m gonna start with something that most of you have already heard about because a lot of people talked about it. she did this “smau” TWICE, one when her following wasn’t that big and another one when she got more followers.
that really shows this was thought out and not just a one time thing like some of her friends tried to paint it as. here’s a link with the first one she posted, she hasn’t even deleted it. https://twitter.com/haznostalgia/status/1280619286659321856
tw// gore


and that’s not the only weird thing she’s posted. here’s some ss of other fucked up things she’s tweeted.
another problematic thing she’s done is say fearless is about Iarry sex. now don’t get me wrong, i’m all up for different interpretations of songs but this is just wrong. fearless is really personal for louis and is about his personal life and experiences.
and this brings me to the next topic. she makes EVERYTHING about larry. every. little. thing. she barely posts about them separately, doesn’t talk about their music unless she can make it about larry and doesn’t appreciate them as artists.
then she posted this tweet about louis. we all know the story behind the pictures and can understand why this might be a sensitive topic. she could’ve at least censored his name. later, she posted this other tweet. no one told her it was about larry.
now let’s talk about this tweet. do i even have to say anything? it’s a well known fact that michael jackson had an illness called vitiligo. saying this is so incredibly rude and disrespectful.
i literally have no words for this. this is what she had to say about zain and his relationship. she can believe in ziam or whatever she wants but she has no right to talk about anyone’s baby like that. it makes me so sick.
she talks all the time about harries sexualizing harry, and that’s good, but you can’t hate on people for doing that and post shit like this minutes after. the hypocrisy jumped out.
she also made a gc with larries and antis just so she could combard the antis with her Iarry proof to try and make them larries. this obviously didn’t end well.
she only cares about how many followers she’s got. she treats them like fans when she’s literally a FAN PAGE. she always promotes herself under “hit tweets” instead of linking petitions and important information, only started to do so after people called her out for it.
now this isn’t exactly her but her friend, but i feel this needs to be talked about. when people called her out for that gross smau her friend started talking about PALESTINE. this issues aren’t something you bring up this lightly just to defend your friend.
tw// death


i don’t even know how to talk about this. for someone that’s always talking about mental health she posts a lot of insensitive stuff, sometimes without tw. this is an example of that, she put “tw” but didn’t specify of what kind, and then said this crude thing.
tw// suicide


talking about mental health and all this stuff, reminded me that she also dmed a close friend whose family member killed themselves telling her she was going to do it without a tw and really triggered my friend.
one thing i’m not gonna let pass is someone trashing a person’s work like she has done a couple of times. i respect that she might not like certain fics, but calling a fic horrible, boring or annoying isn’t it. that’s just insulting something that someone worked very hard on.
tw/ mental health


i don’t really talk about people’s mental health because i don’t think it’s really my business but i think this needs to be pointed out. every time someone calls her out or disagrees with her she pulls the mental health card and plays victim, EVERY TIME.
i’m not saying some stuff can’t affect her mental health, we even tried to help her and talk to her at first because we were worried, but when you start using it as an excuse to make people feel bad when they call you out that just discredits
the real struggles some people face with their mental health on a daily basis. also joking about it isn’t okay? she preaches about mh all the time and then tweets this? some people can’t even get help and she says this to be “quirky” and “funny”? nice.
end of the thread.

these are just some of the things that me and my friends saw and decided to post, but i’m sure there’s a lot more. feel free to reply if you have more ss or if you’ve ever had a problem with her.
by now i hope you’ve realized what type for person you’re following and giving clout to. i’m not encouraging you to attack or cancel her, i just want you to call her out the next time she does something and not ignore it like what’s happened before.
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