Apparently there is a brand of Istanbul Convention opposers who have purely financial motivations. Just because they don’t want to pay alimony after divorce, they are supporting Turkey’s withdrawal from a convention that protects women from violence and death.
What’s even sadder is that these include women who have married men that have ex-wives because they don’t want to share their husband’s income with the ex-wife. I hope they don’t end up having to need the protections of the Convention at some point.
As for the guys who problematize the financial burden of the traditions around marriage: 1. All of this (except tek tas) are traditions of your “ecdad”. 2. If you see marriage as a financial transaction (that’s what that manifesto means), you shouldn’t be getting married.
Great thread on Istanbul Convention and alimony/child support in Turkish. Replies to the thread show how disgusting Turkish men can become to avoid their financial responsibilities to (leave aside the ex-wives) their own kids after divorce.
I only hope that these guys who transfer their assets to their friends and relatives to avoid child support after divorce get swindled off of those assets. If somebody offered this scam to me, I’d get the assets and give them to the kids. He would have no legal recourse.
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