Tusken Raiders really need a rehabbing as part of the de-orientalizing of Star Wars. What a careless mashup of Tuareg, Bedouin, and Maasai cultures
Tusken and clothing taboos: Tuareg veiling practices

Tusken and banthas: Bedouin relationships with Arabian horses

Tusken and water: Maasai tradition that all cattle belong to them by divine decree
Even their rifles are based on the jezail

Above: tusken laser gun
Below: actual Afghan jezail
All that would be fine except...
Gotta hate those violent, primitive desert nomads who aren't actually people even though they are
I have some hope from the Mandalorian's portrayal of them that this rehabbing could actually happen. Was more sophisticated than the original colonial "fend off the dangerous desert primitives" narrative

Anyhoo I love Star Wars and would love it more if it was de-orientalized
I didn't catch that in my viewings, upon googling it's a pretty direct pilfering from Sinai Bedouin. Good catch

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