Importance of Alumni: @KcstKwt

Alumni are the brand-ambassadors of the institution they graduated from. We have seen many institutions declaring the list of their notable alumni as a way of connecting their successes with what the college has provided them.

(1) Fund-raising -

A strong alumni association can be one of the biggest benefactors of an institution that can contribution towards various developmental activities of the institution.

(2) Placements -

The alumni network of a college is one of the biggest sources of placement opportunities to the students. Alumni can help students get placed at their respective organisations.

(3) Mentorship and Scholarships -

Alumni can play an active role in voluntary programmes like mentoring students in their areas of expertise. They could also play a significant role in contributing scholarships to deserving students.

(4) Career Guidance -

Alumni is a huge talent pool whose guidance can be beneficial to many students and other fellow-alumni in their respective areas of study.

(5) Networking Platform -

Alumni network by itself is one of the best professional networking platforms available today.

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