I do be missing chabin... Battle trip rewatch time 😍
The way i screeched 😭😭😭😭
I was too lazy to ss everything but this, the flex yes❤️ nation pick yes
The way he panicked xhdndkxkdm
Out of context but i yelled 😂
Hongbin panicking part 2 out of 37484849
He made yeonnie laugh and he's all bubbly 🥰
He is way too adorable i wanna kith 😭😭
This whole scene is a masterpiece, the way hongbin was scared for his life but also so happy he managed to trick him and pissed off hakyeon with that scary stare and smile is legit engraved in my brain forever
The way they put up with each others jokes and just get along with it ebndkdkd best friends indeed
Ofc i didn't manage to ss everything but the way yeon treats binnie like a little brother warms my entire heart, he's always making sure he is comfortable and safe and okay 🥺❤️
Chabin best bros💕
But also happy husbands 💕
A sad story in just four pics
These two peak comedy
Soft moments
But also killing mode always activated
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