What's been done to women over the last 50 years is nothing short of dystopic. Once wives and mothers, they've since been turned into slaves to neolib captial, sterilized by birth control, assaulted daily by propaganda meant to dissuade them from their natural urges + desires
Women once had prized roles in societies, mothers and wives, weavers of the fabric of community. Now their social value is contingent upon how well they imitate men, turned into earners and workaholics, forever forced into a role that, by design, they will never aptly fulfill
If they have the slightest inkling of dissatisfaction, let alone conscious understand of what's wrong, an entire industry, psychiatry, exists to convince them they're mentally ill, defective, and dope them back into compliance with mind-altering drugs
The maternal instinct of women is so powerful that it takes a non-stop blitz of media and medication to suppress it. But that instinct still emerges, shunted into politics derived from their desire to nurture, and pseudo-childcare for pets and even immigrants
The result is a society out of balance, a spiritual sickness that infects nearly every aspect of being. Women are deprived of their natural roles, and men, whose own role is to protect and care for women and children, are left adrift, given a plethora of their own options to numb
The prevalence of sexual identity and taxonomy of mental illness is a simple result of the destruction of identities derived from the natural order. Desiring to be a wife and mother is unfashionable, impractical. But an autistic queer with anxiety disorder? It's encouraged
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