Now copy all that off because i cant get a download off twitter yet, ...i dont know if they work in Walmart security or not or in the same network,but it seems like it And needed to be said anyway, and I feel like saying, you take my Dry neans again mother efer,
2-B i have saved those in my walmart buggy for literally months,its my prepper foods, beans rice and anything dirt cheap imcan afford, its to feed my whole family and grandchildren one day. We ate all I stored when they hit my car I cant get store, sc gov criminals pu
3-C Put sc gov David beasly over world food,evidence of NWO positioning ,organized crime, they the whole golden harvest near the league of the sout,racist thurmond and lindsey graham got weapons grade plutonium down That way near there and
4-D coast And augusta, military, and they steal embezzle food ,no telling what all they got secretly stored already and stolen check all gov bunkers esp sc gov,theymdo control food around here,after homeland security enacts marshal law theyll take
5-E what they really want, the Virus is Real, we’re controlled by that ,you dont really know if it was germ warefare Or not ,you believe whats told to you ,whatmmakes sense, what you can handle, IDK either, but you dying saves them the trouble
6-F And Preppers, KKK, white nationalists helping them, thinking oh youre a confederate, that's stupid confederacy is over its 2020, TRUMP IS NOT YOUR FRIEND Not sc not KGC not Netanyahu who Our states this country is sending our national guard
7-G to train with for marshal,law,like Lindsey graham always wanted.Netanyahu trains IDF, to kill babies,children peiole in cold blood to steal Holy lands,gold,real estate and artifacts like SC, they will kill you. ! You're nothing to these high gov
8-H people like satan does, he lures you in,promise you the world then you sold your soul for nothing dont sell out your family this country the rest of us for promises that are nothing but a LIE. TRUMP IS NOT YOUR FRIEND ! He is deceiving you
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