It’s such a dif’cult being a Zimbabwean woman at this moment. We were told to wait until racism was eliminated, so that we could talk sexism. Ok. Independence came, we were told to wait till the racial inequalities were addresssed.... ok. Then came democracy struggles of the 90s
Let’s focus on removing this dictatorial regime from power, then talk about sexism & violence in pro-democracy movements- they said in the early 2000s. Or as one friend admonished me, ‘you don’t remove a mosquito from a friend’s face with a machete.’ Ok. So we waited....
We kept mum about the sexual violence against women, the misogyny in our pro-democracy movements & in civil society. It was not a convenient moment, we reasoned. The regime would use this against us. Now here we are in the COVID era. Holding our peace once more. Because....
It is not a good moment to call out sexual predators in our alleged ranks. Dozens of young & older women are dying inside. Dying! Because they dare not speak about their experiences, here on this platform. At the hands of a predator/s. Because, they’re the ‘good guys’. Fighting/ liberate all of us. Will this moment pass? Again? At what point will it be conveninent to speak out, and call out, the ‘good guys’. Name them for what they are. Sexual predators. I am tired. I am sad. I am sorry my sisters who get triggered each day this silence continues.
The End. 😷
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