Oh, also. Sprinkling “cis” or whatever in to statements doesn’t make them profound. It’s pretty obvious why a group of people who are generally persecuted online because of their gender/appearance wouldn’t opt into an insult thread. https://twitter.com/alexmajlaton/status/1289519935157350400
There’s a reason I made the thread opt in only instead of telling people to fire off at whoever.
Roasting works on a range. If you’re interacting with people you don’t know it’s common to make remarks about surface level stuff. Deck selection, appearance etc. as you go up the scene you hit people you know. At that point you have a choice to dagger them on
private stuff, but in public you’re likely to just do surface level stuff because some stuff isn’t really something to air out in a twitter thread. The extreme is people going completely out of pocket and just saying super foul shit. That’s generally reserved for
people you hate, or super private roasting sessions, rap battles etc. I don’t know what y’all expected from that thread but it should have been mostly generic soft balls.
Like if the point of Alex’s tweet was to say “this thread didn’t seem inclusive” then he’s missing the point that the most inclusive aspect of it was making it opt in. I’m sure non cis people had roast cessions in private group chats their comfortable with
I know women who thought the thread looked like fun but opted to do their own thing in private because random mtg nerds habitually overstep bounds and they didn’t want to set themselves up to catch a left hook.
We literally saw someone go completely off the rails
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