Win's OLD interview about losing weight for 2GETHER

"10 kilograms in a bit more than a month. Actually, the crews didn't force me with weight target, I figured it out myself. Because when they launched the teaser,
#winmetawin #2gether (1)
I had lost some weights already but I still looked bigger than P'Bright. But in the story, Tine was thin, tall, & slim, so I figured I had to lose more weight. At that time, I was very disciplined about it...the most strict in my life. #winmetawin #2gether (2)
During fasting time, I didn’t eat at all. No food, only water. Purely water. I almost couldn't tolerate it so I took sleeping pills just to fall asleep and once I wake up I can eat (laughs). It was that horrible...I was horribly hungry. #winmetawin #2gether (3)
I suffered hungriness a lot and I couldn't endure it but I had to keep the discipline, so I took sleeping pills and once I got up it would reach the time to eat. I determined to do it and once I successfully did it, I was so happy. “
#winmetawin #2gether
P.S. Just in case, Director Champ mentioned at the end of 2gether that Win lost his weights and Bright gained his weight, tanned his skin and buffed up himself to be bigger than Win. Bright is constantly doing it now for Still 2Gether with all the outdoor sports w/ no sunscreen.
And he obviouly buffed up himself too as you can see. They are professional actors now. They have their own responsibilities.
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