being mentally ill and on this app is so fucking exhausting sometimes
like I’m probably being paranoid or whatever but I just hate the insinuation that not partaking in streaming parties and stuff like that means I don’t stan or care about someone and I really hope no one thinks that of me like I can barely handle existing on its own as is
like this isn’t shade or whatever and I rly hope none of you are thinking that idc about Harry or whatever because I do but I can only do so much sometimes dnfndnd like I even stopped listening to folklore nonstop after a few days
it’s just hard like I know my demeanor might seem cheery and upbeat but I still struggle overall lmfgdndnd imo I want him to chart and do well but I can only do as much as I can okay
plus I feel comfortable knowing that I’ve done stuff in the past to support him and promote him even so ... I think it’s okay if I sit this one out if need be, and I hope no one else feels inclined to have to either
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