China believes all ethnic Chinese people should take its side on.. everything. That you should also be subject to its laws, especially if you sell books. It doesn’t care what’s on your passport. I hate everything about this.
There’s a certain nefarious sounding term for it 

Growing up far from China, with my ancestors leaving before the formation of this version of China, it’s weird that you’re expected to have allegiance. I certainly heard about 汉奸 very often
To my mind, the post-war decolonization movements were not only about European colonists leaving.
But the establishment of Asian nation states after WW2 with citizenship possibilities also mean that: whereas in 1939 you’d reasonably expect Chinese in SE Asia to support China (and they did, and they were massacred by the Japanese for it);
The decades from then and now, and the building of new identities as citizens of other countries who are ethnically Chinese, mean that such a China-first mindset is no longer possible.
Overseas Chinese in this century are not a monolith. We are not united by language (and often, we hate your Mandarin hegemony). There are many possible ways to oppose the CCP as ethnic Chinese folks, from all sides of the political spectrum. They are all valid.
In the coastal Chinese language that I speak, we identify ourselves as 唐人 (of the Tang Dynasty) instead of 华人 (of the PRC). There are also nuances in overseas Chinese identities between 华侨 and 华商
I like that, because I feel as behold to the Tang Dynasty as I do to the PRC: none at all. In fact, after watching what an ascendant a China has done to predominantly ethnic Chinese states, I am concerned it sees mine (Singapore) as the last item to complete its collection.
Certainly you cannot watch developments in the last decade in the South China Sea and not worry. So. Yes, tankies who support this regime should all walk into the sea.
So many typos. I do get very mad whenever this topic comes up!!
I’ve in Chinese cities where, even with my brief visits, I’ve see moods change depending on how mad the politicians are at mine. One day it’s all your country is a great example of hardworking Chineseism(puke), the next it’s we are confiscating your tanks you’re all race traitors
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