Learned a new word today


Per Webster, stems from the word

: induced inadvertently by a physician or surgeon or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures

Why is that important?

With all the “Death counts” currently and errors in coding/reporting one must ask...
Is this new?

And has this been identified before?

So I found:
1. It’s not new
2. Yes, since research has this as potentially the 3rd leading cause of death in the US.
Some interesting data in there

Especially the part where they calculated
More than 250,000 deaths/yr
Are due to medical error

By definition...iatrogenic/iatrogenesis right?

Which would surpass respiratory disease as
The #3 leading cause of death in the U.S.
So back to the wiki article and Ivan Illich

More on him here ⬇️
He wrote a book in 1975 called
Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health

Where he defined iatrogenesis at 3 levels

If you read the outline below and overlay that with what we are currently seeing...does any of it sound familiar?
Where am I going with all this?
Accurate metrics and public feedback of progress are required Right Now!

Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results right?

Politicians always wants to talk about never-ending wars and campaigns...War on Poverty?
I will defer to Reagan to illustrate this point

From his 1964 Speech, A Time for Choosing

H/T to @Beer_Parade
Especially these 3 paragraphs

From the transcript located here

One of the most profound things I’ve heard in a while came from a road trip and I was listening to a radio station that Rush Limbaugh happened to be on.

I’m paraphrasing
Name one charity that accomplished it’s goal?

That really hit home
Case and point...Re Accuracy
Didn’t take long for another example to appear ⬇️ https://mobile.twitter.com/SaraCarterDC/status/1289567015259090944
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