My OPINION on voting in the USA: The system is broken. This is not breaking news. There are solutions, no one wants to hear it. First, the fact some places allow you to vote without picture ID is absurd. Second, the fact Americans have to pay for that ID is even more absurd. 1/
Why can't the government issue every eligible voter a picture ID? If your answer is because the government can't afford it you really don't understand how the government works. The basis on which America was designed was to give each of us a true voice. 2/
No matter what the cost, it would be worth it to instill faith and integrity to one of our most sacred rights. This ends the "not everyone can afford an ID" argument, which by the way I believe is a total crock to begin with. Either way, this solution solves that problem. 3/
Next, election day. The fact this is not a national holiday is also absurd. The government should do everything in its power to ensure every American will have the opportunity to vote on that special day. In addition to that, there needs to be laws that provide 4/
guidelines for employers to ensure those that must work on that holiday are provided the time needed to cast thier vote without worry of repercussion, even if they end up waiting in line half the day. This brings up another issue of polling locations that service more people 5/
than they can logically handle. This also can be solved by the government providing funding for enough locations so that everyone can vote in a reasonable amount of time. Yes, the government has the ability to this. Will this solve every problem? No of course not, but it would 6/
be an easy start to correct a system no one can trust. The next step would be to correct the gerrymandered districts. There's not a single logical thinking person who can admit the district lines make any sense except to benefit the party that drew them. This is also an 7/
easy fix IF they wanted to fix it. All voting districts get redesignated by a bipartisan committee. If you're unfamiliar with what gerrymandering is I suggest you look it up because it's embarrassingly rediculous that it's allowed. 8/
Well I've gone into ramble mode now so I'll cut it short before I'm reminded of the mail-in/absentee voting debate. Personally I feel if the main problems that plague our voting system were corrected this would eliminate the need or even desire for mail-in voting on a large 9/
scale. This would allow the absentee system to fall back for what it was really intended for, Those who are physically unable to vote in person and the very small percentage of people with other legitimate qualifying reasons. 10/
Our voting system could be restored and once again Americans would WANT to get out and cast their vote proudly, in person, and in numbers too large to ignore or manipulate on a scale needed to disrupt the results.

*Crowd cheering*
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