Most gents on this app dress rubbishy and I won’t even dive into the upkeep, gents looking like they get a shave once every 2-3 weeks even 😭😭 but y’all wanna fight when we bring this up. Nonsense
Never am I mad when Zim huns say our armpits stank coz y’all stay looking like you are coming out of a mwena, won’t even get into the rubbish behavior of those wrong sized, unfashionable suits y’all wear and yhuuuu this nonsense of just putting on clothes just to not be naked
And then your little friends comment ‘King you killing it’ killing what please? Killing the Zim men reputation with your 1945 sense of dressing mara how must we flourish. Y’all need to quit that rubbish of hyping nonsense and tell y’all people straight up kuti wakapfeka DHO..
The only drip known is the spelling, these niggas stay leaking zvavo ipapa. Then that nduru of a katsi of posting selfies and busting captions apa munhu kunge arwisana nemvuu pano 😭😭 everyday Zim Huns rather be with other gents coz y’all just 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ FFS!!!!!
Ladies talked about this behavior of dressing inappropriately for occasions, dinner urikuuya ne Man U Jersey then have the nerve to complain about getting socks for Valentine, wakazvitarisa pagirazi unodhizevha PS5 iwe? Kana 2 zvayo 🙄
Unotengerwa Shirt ye Varsace seyi uchiswerera Summer shirt ina Jackie Chan kunge mushurugwi, then on top of that rubbish hamubvire kuda kunyenga females that are EVIDENTLY not in your damn league when she says no makutuka or kunyeya saying iHure, GEZA IWE TOBIAS
Right now ndikati post your briefs kune dzadhonzerana nevana vari grade 1 izvozvi, FOR THE WHY!?!?? Ok haudi kuchena, chinhuwirirawo heee Paco yadhura, fokoro mhani asi kunhuwidza vana vevanhu weti murume mukuru, ndokuitasei ikoko 🤦🏽‍♂️
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