Chelsea can do something really really special with this 3-4-3 formation.

Reece James holding the width offensively, Azpi playing as a RB. Solid.

Zouma and Rudiger solid, however needs to improve with the ball.

Jorginho really good at keeping the ball in the team. 1/2
Kovacic, he is just something else. Brilliant to watch. So so good.

Need to replace Alonso, but he is ok.

My favorites are Pulisic and Mount tho, in the side spaces. So good on the half turn both of them, and both of them have improved with their G/A

Giroud is class
Only problem is, I don’t see how the new signings and rumors fit in to this formation.

Havertz in a double pivot?

Who plays on the wings? Pulisic, Werner, or Ziyech?

Werner up top? Nowhere near as good as Giroud at keeping the ball.

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