Got a few asking me about how I knew I was ready for marriage (got married very young) or if I have marriage advice (especially being Bi) and so I’ll make a quick thread and just ignore me 😊
about how I knew when I was ready- the only advice I can give besides the very cheesy “I just knew” is that marry the person that even if you were to fall out of love or passion you would still like them more than anyone else. if you’re genuinely best friends marriage is a breeze
What if you’re opposites- my husband & I are as opposite as you can get! He’s an Aquarius I’m a Taurus & I’m loud & he is quiet. But it works for us & we have things in common! IMO the only things you can’t be opposites on are racism, homophobia, or any other integral morrals
Specifically on being bi & marrying someone straight- this is about respect. Homophobia is not a compromise it’s a deal breaker. Bc I’m Bi and married someone of the opposite gender I am invalidated as bisexual constantly. That wouldn’t have been tolerated in a marriage. (Cont.)
It’s incredibly important that my husband does not just accept my bisexuality but vehemently SUPPORTS IT. I joke a lot about who I’m attracted to- but that is something personally ok in my marriage. It’s important that you and your partner have boundaries BUT (cont.)
Those boundaries shouldn’t be set specifically on you alone bc youre “attracted to more people.” Bi people are not automatically more promiscuous. Communication. Don’t let problems build up. It works both ways as well! If you’re going through this my dms are open đŸ„°
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