Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces🌹

With SPEAKING YOUR TRUTH comes HOSTILITIES too. These opinions of other's shouldn't bother you. Because they are just that - Opinions, and you Speak Truth. Not many can handle that right now.
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces🌹

There is a fire brewing in you and it is spreading through all of your chakras, too. It wants to come out in some form of energy expression. Mainly from the throat chakra, communication. If there is tightness, it's because you haven't spoke up yet.
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces🌹

Be aware, though. With truth comes a lot of followers. They will be curious about you. People who are waking up are starving for the truth. They will want more and more of it, too. Don't let that fire burn out now. You are just getting started.
You can follow @earthtoashley__.
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