THREAD: As America waits for six people to negotiate a long overdue relief package, I speak for most in Congress when I say we’re disgusted just like you. We who serve to solve problems find ourselves at the mercy of a system that rewards obstinance and punishes cooperation. 1/9
A system that elevates dividers and ignores uniters. A system that promotes those who raise the most money for their party and sidelines those who raise the best ideas for their country. A system that over appreciates tenure and under appreciates talent. 2/9
During my 30-year career in business and philanthropy before being elected in 2018, I observed hundreds of organizations, institutions, and enterprises throughout the world - but have never encountered one so utterly dysfunctional and in need of reformation as our Congress. 3/9
The archaic physical, social, and organizational design of Congress, combined with two parties far more focused on winning elections than winning policies, makes a mockery of our founders’ greatest contributions and has all but extinguished Americans’ faith in our government. 4/9
Restoring that faith is what inspired many of us in the freshman class, both Ds and Rs, to run for Congress. But when we arrived in Washington in 2019, there was no effort to unify us - rather we were immediately and intentionally subjected to systematic separation. 5/9
No sharing of life stories to promote respect and empathy. No ropes course to establish trust. No mechanism to identify common ground and shared objectives. No strategic planning. For doing so would undermine the structure that empowers the few at the expense of the many. 6/9
So on a day when these institutional failures are so graphically illuminated, I have hopeful news you won’t read in the paper, watch on tv, or see on social media. There’s a new ethos rising among many of us across the political spectrum that transcends parties and politics. 7/9
A recognition that most Americans desire the same outcomes: a secure country and safe & healthy communities, educational & economic opportunity for all, equity & justice under the law, a healthy planet, efficient use of tax dollars, and the freedom to pursue our dreams. 8/9
I’m having conversations with dozens of colleagues on both sides of the aisle, and we intend to unify, amplify, and rectify. It won’t be easy, it won’t be fast, and it won’t be appreciated by those that cling to power. But it is possible if you join us and keep the faith. 9/9
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