A method that: 1) works for high-dimensional, structured inputs, 2) optimizes on low-dimensional latent spaces, 3) enables new data to be incorporated as they come – sounds useful for low-resource NLP. :-) A thread on a paper by @austinjtripp, @edaxberger, & @jmhernandez233.
Must the training of generative models be decoupled to the optimization task? “Sample-Efficient Optimization in the Latent Space of DGMs via Weighted Retraining” by A. Tripp∗, E. Daxberger∗ & J.M. Hernández-Lobato argues that decoupling may hinder solutions from being found.
Tripp, et al.: addresses the challenge of generating solutions for high-dimensional structured input spaces when evaluation of the objective function is expensive, e.g. drug, molecule & material design.

Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.09191 
Presented at #ICML2020 RealML Workshop.
Tripp, et al.: recently, Latent Space Optimization (LSO) is a popular approach in which a generative model mapping the original input space onto a low-dimensional continuous space is first trained. The objective function is then optimized over this learned latent space.
Tripp, et al.: These 2 stages are usually decoupled from each other. In the latent space, a point’s relative volume is roughly determined by its frequency in the training data. However, frequently-occurring does not necessarily equate to high score wrt the objective function.
Tripp, et al.: decoupling prevents solutions far from training data from being found. They propose data weighting & periodic retraining to allow a higher fraction of the feasible region devoted to modelling high-scoring points & substantial exploration beyond initial data.
Tripp, et al.: weights should be strictly positive, chosen such that high-scoring are weighted more & vice versa. The authors assign weight to each data point roughly proportional to its reciprocal rank, with rank based on the data point’s score on the objective function.
Tripp, et al.: weighting also enables efficient retraining of the generative model while avoiding catastrophic forgetting. Combined w/ data weighting, periodic retraining ensures that the latent space is always occupied by the most updated & relevant points for optimization.
Tripp, et al.: weighted retraining substantially improves SOTA algorithms' sample-efficiency. E.g. in arithmetic expression fitting task: MSE approaches zero; in chemical design task: beats best prev. score of 11.84 w/ ~5K samples, with a score of 22.5 w/ only 0.5K samples.
Coming up next: a thread in Bahasa Indonesia on this paper.
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