Love waking up in my immunocompromised body to see how many more people have started making public statements they dont give a shit about keeping others alive via their brunch, party, and vacation pics
I try to avoid soapboxes but this one I cannot. We are at the BEGINNING of this pandemic. The governments inaction and failure to educate the public around best practices is egregious and for sure blame lies largely with them, but guess what, this pandemic is global.
If you can read a tweet thread, you can google “coronavirus (insert country here)” you can see what the countries who were able to control and safely reopen did. They wore masks, they distanced, they worked TOGETHER, and now no one is dying cause they served someone an omelet
I know people have to work, I know people need to socialize for your mental health. You don’t need to fly to Utah to hike for your mental health when it’s murdering people. You don’t need to sit at a restaurant when it could kill entire families if your server goes home.
Please know that you are saying loudly and proudly with your chest “I don’t care about the lives of others.” “I am okay with the consequences of potentially multiple people dying, becoming chronically ill, or spreading a deadly disease to others.” “I am okay with children dying.”
Every single time the choice is made to socialize without precaution and perform “normalcy” while bodies are piling up around the country, it is an act of violence. Period.
aiming to perform normalcy amidst chaos is a tool, expectation, and DEMAND of white supremacy. It is EXACTLY what these fascists want and why this country looks the way it does. Stop. Make another choice. A kinder one. Please.
This fall and winter are going to be a nightmare, entire families wiped out completely needlessly, because people won’t care. CARE. Just care about others.
And in case you’re unsure what “precautions” for socializing look like: masks, distance (minimum 6 feet, 10 is better) outdoors, ideally only in your city but definitely IN YOUR STATE, short periods of time, only as NEEDED for mental health. Masks covering mouth AND nose.
You can follow @Reneicespieces.
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