A thread about my cervix.

Or rather a thread about a tweet a made yesterday about my cervix.

(If you missed it, you can scroll by or find it.)
I’m Southern Baptist and I adhere to Southern Baptist beliefs, including those about sexuality and our creation as male or female. I don’t know why anyone would be surprised that I hold those views.
Yesterday CNN Tweeted a report about cervical cancer. It showed up in my Twitter feed when some of my fellow Baptists were denouncing the wording and advocating for traditional gender terms. There’s a lot of that in my circles and some is needed.
But sometimes we take ourselves too seriously.

To me, the headline was awkward and funny. It made me picture a cervix as a possession one carries around or puts on a shelf. The rhyme went from there.
Protestants have such a weak theology of the body. Especially Baptists. (I think that is the cause of some of our abuse issues!) We are embodied creatures, and that’s a glorious, mysterious, hard thing. And sometimes it’s funny. Like that headline.
This might be TMI so if so skip:

I happen to be in that stage of life where my own body is playing a lot of tricks on me. So I think about being an embodied person a great deal. I have greater and greater empathy for those who struggle against their bodies.
Humor helps me.

I am (I think) generally a kind and compassionate person, though, so some who saw my tweet as less than that were surprised by that. That is a compliment and I am grateful for it.

I know many of us will simply disagree on our theology in these matters.
I know this will still not be acceptable to some people.

I do understand.

And am trying to grow even more in understanding every day.

Peace and love.
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