To all nsfw VAs and artists, DO NOT INTERACT WITH @/AlyMeowArt. She is 14. I need to bring some disturbing information to light within the voice acting and artist community to keep all of you informed, safe and hopefully help the ones who are being affected here. (A thread)
Aly frequents a voice acting server based around a NSFW VA named@/Va_Blu AKA BluBelle Blu_DiamondVA, who not only knew Aly was a minor, but allowed her to share AND draw porn on her discord server. When confronted, Blu confirmed she knew Aly was a minor.
Blu not only still has Aly on her server (recently her NSFW role was removed) but has her as a mod in the server. Here are screenshots proving Aly posted and shared porn.
Myself, as well as my good friend @malamilkbeats, were members of the server. I left before any of this unfolded, but Mala was a mod and saw it all happen. Nobody in the server knew Aly was 14 except Blu and @/Ninjafunsize314. Ninja kept this information from everyone for Blu
This brings me to @/John_The_Pink . He was also a member of this server. He is 19, and is also dating Aly. John has been grooming Aly for at least a year. Report/block/DO NOT INTERACT
We’re worried about Aly and this disgusting behavior that occurred in this server cannot continue in our community. Hopefully the spread of this info will help get Aly out of this grooming relationship. Please report her and John. This wasn’t easy to do but needed to be done.
You can follow @MisterKeyrock.
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