Reha Chakraborty

A few days back a complaint was lodged against Reha by Late actor SSR's father.
Which caused the whole social media to explode.
Social media outrage against Reha began with memes being made on her, which eventually turned to slut shaming.

(Unfortunately, Common these days.)
To my surprise it wasn't someone else who did this.
The meme pages that influence millions of people and have really wide reach started doing this
These were the same pages which talkies about mental health a few days back.
As expected there was huge influence of these pages and their posts and hence, slut shaming of reha chakraborty worsened.
Young people, the youth that is expected to be magnanimous and thoughtful (atleast better than the previous generation) jumped into the scene and these were the only ones worsening the situation.
Social media, news paper media, TV media, everyone started giving their opinions and which for them were the facts (yes, the rigid opinions)
For them reha chakraborty was already the criminal but not the accused.
So there are 2 places where we basically lost.
These are nothing new from our previous failures.
First, A woman was slut shamed again. Even if the accused it the guilty one. We do not have rights to do this. Forget Rights, this isn't the morally justifiable deed.
Second was the ignorant audience again misunderstood themselves to be the judges and began giving the judgements pretending to be the law makers.
This thread was not to educate the audiences (you're all already masters of morals I must say)
This was something that we all daily see but do not speak about.
Thought of saying once.
If you've read it till here, I expect you to be the one having similar thoughts.
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