Honestly, I knew most of the shit inside the Maxwell documents already b/c I've been reading Vicky Ward re: Epstein for years - I'm just glad we can all talk about it now.

A short thread:
First of all, a lot of folks are in shock right now b/c they never quite accepted it but reading the testimony and what evidence the FBI had is a mask off moment - they know they're not staring at fairly indisputable evidence of something horrible, but precisely what is elusive
I've been through this whole process, because I've been following this case for years and years, way back when even mentioning that you were concerned about it in polite company was a bit of a social faux pas
A key thing you're going to want to do right now is to remember these revelations are in ADDITION to the nasty shit you've already memory holed about Trump's minion Acosta protecting Epstein and letting him off with a fine for trafficking in rape parties with pre-teen sex slaves
Furthermore, you'll need to remind yourself that Epstein's rape houses and party pads were all wired up for sound and cameras - an obvious blackmail ring; this was reported at the time but has long since gone down the memory hole.
Finally you'll want to take a good long look at the roster of "friends" that Epstein cultivated and keep in mind that in addition to many random celebrities, we're pretty sure 2 US Presidents, an Israeli Prime Minister and a British Prince raped pre-teens, probably on film
Ok, sufficiently horrified?

Good, now, let's look at why this is actually way way way fucking worse than you realize and why your brain is probably not processing how horrible it actually is.
There's three layers to the Epstein/Maxwell/Every Rich Person Alive saga and each one is a little bit more horrifying than the next.
A) a whole bunch of really powerful people in our society, definitely sexually assaulted pre-teen & young teen girls & were being blackmailed for it - pretty much anyone who went to the island, or the Palm Beach house is a pedo and that's a staggering roster of VERY important ppl
Ok, that's horrible. But it gets worse.

B) a whole bunch of people inside THREE Justice Departments, multiple counties worth of police officers, the FBI & at least three country's intel agencies knew and gleefully helped COVER all that up. Not a mistake, literally covered it up
But wait, because the 3rd layer here is that people have known about this shit, in New York Society circles, the media, academic circles, big business circles, the ruling establishment since the late 90's and yet they all took his money, vouched for him, said nothing, kept quiet
Pretty much our entire ruling class and "intelligentsia" facilitated pedo parties and the sexual assault, and sexual exploitation of teen and pre-teen girls in one facet or another and they did it knowing exactly who and what Jeff Epstein was.

Regardless of politics.
This is, a lot to swallow. And the reason you really haven't gone over it in your head until now is because it would just be a lot EASIER to believe this is a conspiracy theory.

But this shit is mostly not new, the Maxwell document dump just brings it from "I heard" to "I know"
And that's just "how the fuck this went on in the open and these fuckers almost got away with it/many of them are still on track to get away with it"

There are other, more complicated conclusions that become obvious as well...
Like for example, it's highly unlikely that Jeff Epstein and Maxwell blackmailed people who could squash them like a bug, on their own. Furthermore, you think you can blackmail US, Israeli and UK heads of state/officials without their intel services going apeshit?
We're talking issues of national sovereignty here, and agencies powerful enough to make even folks like Epstein just fucking disappear...

so obviously, someone was backing this play; these two didn't just appear out of nowhere - this is spy shit.
I could go on for a while, but that's the kind of story this is - when you figure out how to process what you know, it's going to fuck with how you view the world, society, the last thirty years of history in the so-called West.

I'm not babbling. This is world-alteringly bad
What would it mean if one day you realized that Western intel probably ran a pedo honeypot/blackmail operation against its own US President out of paranoia and when it worked so well decided to just scoop up as many powerful actors and useful tools as they could get?

and y'all wonder why I'm so fucking emo.
I mean lads - if it was "the enemy" we'd go to war rather than risk letting a guy they own have the nuclear codes.

So it has to be us. Some aspect of the Pig Empire.
You have to disabuse yourself of the idea that these people didn't know - from Harvard to NATO, they knew. If Vanity Fair readers and Vicky Ward blog readers and New York Socialites and Page 6 of the New York Post knew, and said so at the time, the machine ALL knew.
And once you know that, the whole thing, the whole coverup falls apart.
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