Hey @PhillyMayor, by now you’ve seen all the ways @FreeLibrary Board President Pamela Dembe has proven herself unsuitable to lead FLP in any capacity. Shall we count the ways?
In a display of pure laziness & racism, Dembe said in 2019: “The Foundation Board is less diverse & its effort to expand are hampered by the fact that people who join that board are expected to make a very significant financial commitment.”
Skipping ahead: By 7/19/20, CBWFLP had only received responses to their open letters from the 2 Black co-chairs of the Board of Trustees DEI subcommittee & Siobhan. As soon as non-Black workers wrote in support of CBWFLP, Dembe responded within 2 days.
But her letter contained no concrete, actionable steps addressing the demands of CBWFLP & she wrote in full support of Reardon against the advice of the diversity consulting firm hired by the library & without input from other Board members. https://billypenn.com/2020/07/23/free-library-director-siobhan-reardon-has-resigned/
During the Board of Trustees meeting, Dembe made clear she has no idea how hard library staff have been working since March. She thinks we are closed & providing no services, & used scare tactics to make us fear for our jobs & safety to hasten reopening plans.
Specifically, she placed the blame at the feet of the city, claiming with no additional context or authority that the city will begin slashing jobs & benefits of workers not on site. Response to that, @PhillyMayor?
Dembe openly said that creating a safe & equitable library must take a “back seat” to reopening plans, revealing that she does not understand how the 2 are intrinsically linked.
Dembe actively works against the interests of Black FLP workers & Philly communities. She is unable to imagine the ways we can protect Black & Brown workers & continue to creatively provide services to our communities while maintaining everybody’s safety during the pandemic.
Dembe’s support of Reardon means she supports 12 years of dwindling $$ for FLP services & materials, an embarrassing lack of tech to support our communities, crumbling branches, dangerously low staffing, & a racist, inequitable culture pervasive throughout the library.
. @PhillyMayor, we have the opportunity to start building a NEW @FreeLibrary that invests in Black & Brown workers, whose leadership consists of people with actual library experience, with materials, services, & tech that rival those of our peers. See how Dembe stands in the way?
See how Pamela Dembe stands in the way of progress at FLP? @chris_arlene @Sade_Ola_Lewis @mustafarashed @suzsimons @MelissaGrimmy @philjaurigue @geoffreykent
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