you were one of the few people on here i immediately didnt mind. my first impression was that you’re trustworthy and i’m glad to say you’ve proven that true. i feel that very few of my friends understand some of my more particular struggles because they’re all different, but—
most of what goes for me in this life has somehow gone for you, making me feel so much more validated when i share personal experiences that aren’t looked at as weird or irrelevant. though our personalities aren’t the same, i still feel a strong connection with you and am proud—
of how far you’ve come considering the circumstances. we can’t wish what we go through onto other people but we can recognize their strength when there happens to be a similarity. you’re someone i never fail to be fascinated by and i’m glad i’ve gotten to know you so much—
more lately. thanks for being amazing 😭🥺 kitten ❤️
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