Ok this is my fluff son.
His name is Kovu, but he answers only to "Baby" and "Murderous Fat Guy".
His hobbies are sleeping close to his bed but not in it, stealing my footwear, and biting me.
He does not like getting his picture taken.
This is literally his best picture and you can't still see his face
Also that was him a few weeks back he's actually bigger now. His vet was very proud of him.
This is him tonight, going through the whole process of putting his plushie aside and empty his bed to once again Not sleep in it
This is him last night cuddling my feet and falling asleep under my desk while I was working.
He gets really upset when he doesn't see me or can't find me. I usually wait till he's asleep and am very careful bc the moment he hears me move he wakes up and follows me around.
I was hungry and about to go get empanadas but the lil jerk is sleeping by the door this time.
I managed to distract him with his plushie but he heard me walk to the bathroom and caught me as I closed the door.
He then proceeded to scratch said door and howl-cry like someone was hitting him.
I've never felt so guilty if taking a pee in my life 😭😭
My puppy: *sits by the bathroom door and starts crying softly*
Me, who can see his dramatic ass from my hammock: I'm not there baby. Look around kiddo. Lookie here love. I'm outside. I'm literally behind you buddy.
All he wanted was to bite my feet
His new hobby is headbutting my phone for attention (I'm not even on it that much)
(Writing these tweets took me longer than usual thanks to that)
He's also p/ much 2 months old and his newest nicknames are "Illiterate Fat Child" (bc he can't read) and "Communist Fat Boy" (I use this one usually after yelling "ANARCHY" everytime he tries to wrestle his own leash from my hands)
Other nicknames (we say THE WHOLE THING that's how we do nicknames in this house): +"Beautiful/Precious Chub Baby" (grandma)
+"The Baby of The House" (me and the girls)
+"The Prodigious Son" (me)
+"My King" (our neighbor)
Visited the vet!!
He got super stressed and cried a lot (hates car rides so far) but this is probably our last one and then the doc will start visiting.
I have to go back tomorrow to pick up his dog tags.
This is him sleeping now. Please tell him you're proud of him.
He got his tag! But he just won't let me take a picture so heres all I got
My grandma: You spoil that pup so much
Also my grandma, while sharing some of her lunch with the pup because the brat was crying at her: Here you go, My Love
Still on my quest of trying to take a decent ass picture of him
We had the vet visit for a vaccine and baby's got a lil fever after so I guess we're not going out for tonight's walk.
Pobrecito mi bebé princeso de la casa ;3; 💕
I was having my evening "teté" while watching Glitch Techs meanwhile my son was getting angry at the coffee maker
After an incredible display of courage, now we're having the evening teté together
He stole Geralt, my huge seal plushie but can you be even mad about it?? I certainly cannot.
He's so adorable I love my son 😭😭😭😭😭💕💕
Oh no I took another picture because he's adorable
After destroying some of the only furniture I own, here you have him:
The Child
Asking the vet if Kavu is old enough to bathe/cut his fluffy fur cut a lil bc tomorrow will be 40C° and I want him to live
I'd take a picture of him but he's currently hiding/laying in my bedroom bc it's dark and the freshest part of the apartment and I don't wanna bother him
Huh he kept yelling at me for attention while I was in the desk doing my thing but turns out he just wanted me out of the room what a little dickens
Anyway I'm here in the kitchen and it's hot af 😔
My soooon !!!!
He stole my pants 😔
We chillin' on the couch
Anyway ik biting is his form of play but he's v rough and it's becoming a problem since if he hurts any of the kids in the building we're screwed. I tried everything
Treats? Didn't work
Leash? Didn't work?
Ignoring him? It Worked... Until he figured how to pull down my pants.
OOO he chilled
Guess who's sleeping on top of me in the hammock
He sleeb
V O I D update
He seems to LOVE the concepts of walkies but like, just the concept.

Him when we get ready for walkies, waving his tail at the door: WE MUST HURRY FATHER, ADVENTURE AWAITS
Him mid walkies, sitting in the middle of the bike road, then lying there as dead weight: no.
He has the whole house to sleep on. My bedroom, my bed, the couch, the hammock, Geralt, his new bed?
Instead he goes to his baby bed that he pretty much outgrew and also absolutely destroyed.
He just be like that.
(Yes he still steals my socks)
V O I D update!
We for a new toy!
V O I D update
I wanna work and he stole my chair
V O I D update
After destroying some more furniture, he fell asleep, deeply, beside me with his head under my rolling chair.
I can't move it now. I'm stuck at my desk :'D
V O I D update
More of him hiding parts of his body under shit when he sleeps
V O I D update.
As soon as I finished babysitting I rushed him to the vet because I noticed something worrying. They treated him right away, they let me hold him during it bc vet visits are always really stressful for him and he cries like he's being tortured
They were super sweet to him, even gave him a treat for being a good boy and he's got meds to follow for the next few days.
Good things is that he's home now, sleeping on a room with the AC on and with "chill music for dogs" as bg sound.
Also they weighted him!
He's 31 pounds🥺💕
("Andy why is he on the floor" HE HAS BEDS!! Geralt is right there too. he likes the floor bc it's cold and he runs hot 24/7 😭)
(Also can you see he's already starting to bite away my new furniture 😭)
V O I D update
There's nothing to say today, he's doing well.
I just love him 🥺💕
I'm only here cos I have to check DMs and also to drop a
V O I D update
He's just chilling on the hammock living his life and biting people
Hope everyone's doing ok!
We love you all 💕
I'm only here to drop a
V O I D update
Because look at his handsome face. Wonderboi 😌💕

I watch all kinds of stuff while I work, and by now he's just used to my bullshit.
Unbothered, empowered, princeso, prendido en kerosén
He just doesn't care

True to his own self: the bed is right there, and yet he sleeps on the floor, right by it.
A very important V O I D UPDATE

He lost a baby tooth
(While biting me)


The little butt woke me up at 4am for attention- fair, plus I passed out with eye make up on.
So I got up, and cleaned myself up.
And since I can't go back to sleep I posted some art on patreon. It's 6am now.
You wanna know what he did after waking me up?
Princeso de la casa
gordo empoderado prendido en kerosén
(I had to repost this multiple times bc he was too cute and I couldn't stop taking pictures)
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