Here's a questionnaire thread for izangoma
1) How old were you when you first understood that you had an ancestral calling?
2) How soon after realising you had a calling did you heed it?
3) How did close friends and family react when you told them you had an ancestral calling?
4) What did you have to sacrifice in order to honour your calling?
5) How were you guided to your spiritual mentor/gobela?
6) Are you initiated?
7) If initiated, what was the hardest part about initiation?
8) What was the best part?
9) What do you know now that you wish you knew before? It can be about the journey, yourself or amadlozi
10) Quote this tweet with an image of your proudest moment edlozini
11) Have you ever physically hurt yourself doing umsebenzi wedlozi? If so, what happened?
You can follow @VuyiswaX.
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