Thread about a rag-tag group from which common Hindus should be miles away.

Sorry for the bad vibes but these chaps are talking too much nonsense these days and some of them are crossing maryaadaa.
This grp is led by a thoroughly deranged megalomaniac called Manasatarangini / blog_supplement. His claim to fame is writing semi-pornographic blogs in the name of educating his minions about tantra. This chap doesn't even have schoolboy skills in Samskrtam but has been able to
convince many that he is a shrauti, an agnihotri and what not.
Some of his nuggets of wisdom are included here. Read at your own risk. Keep an anti-emetic ready.
Repackaging BR A theory that Raama's father was not Dasharatha. When faced with blowback he doubled down and justified himself. Hence don't think this is some rare error of judgment. There was another blog by another minion which is worse.
Rama was somehow an avataara of Indra!
A hallmark of this ragtag group is an appeal to Veda even when their laukika Samskrta is terribly weak.
Ignore the typo in the image to be a little magnanimous to him.
Indra and Krishna are somehow opposed to each other acc to this ragtag group that is trying to "restore" Indra to his past glory!

I am hearing Indra cry from svarga that he doesn't need these "protectors".
He and his ragtag group shill for Aryan Invasion Theory. Most of it just to feel good. Some of his minions have racial hatred towards fellow dhaarmikas from UP, Bihar, Orissa and so on and call them insulting names because they somehow aren't ubermensch.
If we have a problem with Wendy, Fatso Patnaik etc., we should be more concerned about these people. Their support of AIT is because somehow they have this superiority complex of being the "invaders". If dumeels are one end of the spectrum, MT-minions are the opposite end.
Another hallmark of this phony is that he cannot talk about Veda without invoking European "Pagan" parallels. So much pride about veda that you have to get the certificate of European "Pagans".
Innovations galore. Pandavas didn't go to Himalaya. Vyasa didn't know, maaDrann AcArya wanly knows where they went... They went to Central Asia paa.
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