Amazes me how ignorant people are, you all lives matter? Ok.. But you tell everyone who’s not white “If YoU dOnT LiKe iT tHeN lEaVe” BUT THOSE SAME PEOPLE ARENT EVEN REALLY FROM HERE EITHER. Are y’all full blooded Native American? No, so shut the fuck up with your racist ass.
THESE SAME PEOPLE Also against my body my choice when it comes to a woman choosing to keep an embryo even if raped (or whatever her reasoning) BUT all about it when it comes to masking and social distancing in a massive pandemic that is killing hundreds of thousands of people?!?
ALSO the same people that are all for rights of an embryo/fetus but are okay with children in cages? Or that our “president” is a pedophile, who had a close relationship with Epstein, and wanna turn the cheek to child sex trafficking and pedophilia?!
ITS A HOAX RIGHT?! Oh but NOW y’all wanna believe it bc the cry baby Oompa Loompa wearing a mask.

Man I could keep this thread going. But I’d say that’s enough of a rant for now. #DUMPTRUMP #BLM #FUCKTRUMP
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