Just finished a book about primitive people

Thats what I‘ve learned


1. They are xenophobic. Other people which are not related to them are considered as enemies
2. Most members of the tribe are relatives thats why there is a strong bonding.

3. Mainly women leave their tribe to marry into another, this prevents inbreeding
4. Friendship is only possible with people of the own tribe or of related tribes. They can be friendly with foreign people when they get to know them but its not friendship bc the loyalty is always to the tribe
5. They are in constant feuds with other tribes even with related ones. Still they trade with them and exchange marriage partners

6. Many tribes speak of themselves as „humans“. Members of other tribes are not „humans“
7. Most feuds, fights and wars start bc of women. A woman is kidnapped, raped, forced to marriage. Her relatives try to release her or want revenge. S.o. get killed. A feud starts which can last generations
8. Its eye for an eye. If s.o got killed by another tribe they have to kill too. Otherwise they risk seen as weak and then will be attacked and mugged

9. It can take months or years till there is an oportunity to take revenge. Thats why they live in constant fear of other tribes
10. The women outnumber the men by far bc many men are killed in fights.
11. To end or avoid a feud they often use compensations. Bc a man got killed, animals, tools etc. are offered as compensation
12. They only take risks if its necessary. Hunting, revenge and to conquer a sex partner are worth the risk. Fighting with a tiger is not. Climbing a montain for no reason or even standing under a coconut tree where potentially a nut could fall on you is considered stupid
13. They know very little about the outside world. Because foreign people are seen as enemies they are afraid to leave their territory. Their tribe is their world. The more dense the population, the less the territory the less they know
14. They consume mostly low caloric food and very little salt and sugar.
15. They live a life of feasting and famine. When they killed a big animal its feasting time. Same if they find a big tree with fruits or nuts. After that it can be they have to famine long time bc they can‘t find enough food.
16. Mostly they are happy to leave their primitive life behind. Life is easier in civilization. Stable food, medicine, aircon, less moskitos
17. They struggle with modern lifestyle. Get fat and sick bc they are not used to high caloric, processed food with a lot of sugar and salt. Stress, drugs etc
18. they have an ambivalent relationship with older people. On one hand they are admired for their knowledge and experience on the other they can become a burden when the times get harsh and often get killed then
19. They are very spiritual. Everything has a spirit. Animals, trees, mountains, rocks. You can talk with them. Ask for favours, permission, friendship, help.

20. Lonliness is unkown. There are always relatives and friends around
21. They are happy people. Laugh always, make jokes. Play with children.

22. They don‘t think much about the future because anyway they have no control over it
23. They gossip a lot, even the men. Its Entertainment for them like TV for us

24. They sleep in intervals. Often they wake up in the night and start talking or take a nap during the day
25. Its common that high status men have more wifes than low status men. Young men have to prove their status and often live together as some kind of gang till they get married. Sometimes these gangs attack other tribes to kidnap women and a feud starts
26. They have stress but only short time. Like when hunting, during fights and wars but mostly they live a relaxed life. When they have enough food they stop hunting and gathering and chill
27. They can get old but its rare. If they survive diseases, fights, accidents and hunger they can live up to 60 or 70 years

28. Children are a blessing and enjoy a lot of freedom. They learn when they play. The tribe takes care of the kids together
28. Sometimes children are kidnapped from other tribes to raise them as their own

29. If the tribe decides that enough children are born, newborns may be killed or abandoned
30. Meat is of high value bc it is difficult and dangerouse to get. Good hunters have a high status and are desired by women

31. Bullying is common. If s.o. looks or behaves differently he is a victim of jokes and laughter
32. They are not used to contagious diseases which transmit between humans. Mostly they get sick bc of infected wounds or parasites
33. They live a risky life. Accidents, diseases, fights, wars, famine are everyday risks. A small scratch can ignite and mean death
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