This kind of bouncing around, constantly declaring one thing and then declaring the opposite days, even minutes later, is all perfectly understood by survivors of domestic violence. These are tactics abusers use to keep you confused and helpless.
Indeed, everything Trump does to the country is pretty much out of the domestic abuser's handbook. Even his periodic "pivots" in which he pretends he's trying to do better follow the cycle of abuse that experts in domestic violence have documented.
As such, we need to understand that getting rid of Trump will not be as simple as "vote him out" any more than a victim can simply "break up" with an abuser. On the contrary, when a victim is trying to leave is when an abuser will escalate violence in an effort to gain control.
We're already seeing this happen with Trump, who is increasing the amount of violence he's directly targeting Americans with by sending federal police into cities to terrorize citizens. Classic abuser move — if you even THINK about leaving, he will beat the shit out of you.
To mansplainers who think it preposterous to believe a stupid man can nonetheless act like a controlling abuser, uh, a whole lot of wife beaters are also idiots. Gaslighting, escalating violence, chaos creation do not require intelligence, just a sense of entitlement.
Anyway, just as the advice to battered women is to create an escape plan that anticipates the inevitable — that he will use any method he can to keep you from leaving, including violence — we need a plan that anticipates how Trump will try to nullify election results.
One of the most disappointing things I've learned in recent years is how many white liberals are caught up in the idea that "intelligence" is a singular thing, and if someone is bad at certain kinds of intelligence, he is bad at all others. That is a myth.
Yes, Trump is a moron in most ways. He can barely read. He is incurious and lazy and knows nothing. But he's a very talented bully. It's almost like he put all his intellectual resources into getting really good at this one thing over decades!
I mean, I too did really well on standardized tests as a kid! But I try not to let that lull me into thinking there are only people who are "smart" and people who are "stupid". People have all sorts of intelligences. Trump's one intelligence is in being a gaslighting bully.
Like, I'm very good at logic stuff and also reading texts. But I'm just terrible at things like manipulating people, playing musical instruments, or acting. I'm average at math and playing games. "Intelligence" is not a set quantity that you either have or don't.
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