It's incredible the shit those wrapped up in culture war BS have to make up to justify their delusions. I've never seen anyone mix the two matters up, but it's telling how ignorant he is to the subject. Also, considering his insular audience, seems like something they'd confuse.
They always talk about "echo chambers", but there's such a deep one with those still fixated on the SJW (or "woke") shit. To a point that like with James, when actually challenged and has notions of the "woke" undermined (Ex: "woke" won't debate him), they start shutting down.
The primary reason James is avoiding a debate like with @sjwdebates is pretty transparent, isn't it? The most obvious being, is he's just not capable. The second being those who write his checks may reconsider if and (it seems likely) when he fucks up and humiliated by a "nobody"
His grift and those of his peers rely heavily on caricatures of leftists, as well as their audience remaining insular and ignorant. A lot of these people have never met or encountered someone on the left, have no idea what such are like in reality, and they show it so often.
Just...made my fucking point. Even in this very thread he responded to. These people are idiots.
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