Thread đŸ§” of some of the signs from my childhood that I was neurodivergent.

They’re coming from an #ActuallyAutistic and #ADHD person unlike ‘official’ lists of traits.

(I say ND not just autistic because I’ve recently been diagnosed with ADHD as well).
1. Didn’t sleep

As a baby I always seemed too alert and stimulated to sleep, even with the recommended routine. As a child I remember thinking of any excuse to go downstairs to see my parents.
2. “Picky” eater

The health visitor came round because she didn’t believe a baby would spit out purĂ©ed carrot and when I did she was like... I’ve never seen this before. Obviously I now know it’s sensory rather than just “pickiness”.
3. Hyper alert

Everyone commented on how alert I was as a baby. I know the stereotype is the opposite for autism, but I seemed to be always taking everything in.
4. Super concentration

With certain activities I would be engrossed for far longer and more intensely than an NT child.

5. Hyperlexia

Always loved books and taught myself to read before I was 3.
6. Happy on my own

Would happily play by myself or entertain myself for hours, even if there was the option of playing with someone else.

7. Didn’t ask for hugs

Basically seemed not fussed about them, even as a baby. Didn’t hate them, just didn’t seek them out.
8. Seemed “bewildered”

I generally felt bewildered most of the time and apparently I looked bewildered as well.

9. Talked early

Not just random babble, I could communicate with people pretty well at an early age.
10. Anxious

In my childhood diaries I write about being “worried all the time” but didn’t really know what about or why

11. Clothes seams and labels

Hated the seams on socks and tights and wanted all the labels cut out of my clothes.
12. Independent

Apparently one of my earliest words was “self” because I desperately wanted to do everything by myself 😂

13. Obedient

I was very scared of getting in trouble at school especially, and was generally* a rule follower

*with exceptions!
14. Grown-up behaviour

I was a pretty sensible kid most of the time and although I could be goofy and silly, I generally took life seriously (Another thing I liked to say as a small child was “I’m a sensible woman!”)
15. Had a “mother hen” friend

Some autistic kids are taken under the wing of a more confident child and are made their friend. I certainly had this at primary school. I wouldn’t instigate friendships but would be swept up in a friendship by someone else.
16. Grumpy after school

I was exhausted and overwhelmed by the end of the school day but neither I nor my parents knew why I was so irritable at the time. I didn’t want to talk to them and instead would shut myself in my room, alone.
17. Curious

I wanted to know everything about everything and would ask “Why?” on a loop. I was sent to a Montessori nursery but only because it was the only local nursery that took kids at 2.5 yrs rather than 3, and I was clearly craving more learning and stimulation.
18. Good memory

In general, I found learning easy. I soaked up information (apart from in a couple of subjects that I just couldn’t grasp, namely chemistry and history). I could remember facts and learn by rote easily.
19. “Board game police”

This is how I was described by my family when we played board games 😂 I wouldn’t cheat, and even if I was able to (eg: seeing someone else’s cards in a card game) I would purposely not use that information to my advantage because it would be unfair
20. Bedtime script

Was reminded by @dropoutninja‘s thread that throughout my childhood I had a (fairly lengthy!) conversational routine I had to do with my parents before I would go to bed. It was exactly the same every night.
21. Rewatching videos

Also prompted by @dropoutninja - I used to rewatch the same videos, especially home videos of school plays and events. I knew the amount I rewatched would be considered weird, so I did it secretly to avoid being asked questions I didn’t have the answers for
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