because of REASONS i am now thinking again of moving hammergrind to a custom engine over a weekend
like what do i really need, just some fucking low detail geometry rendering, textures/sprites, first person camera, terrain + collision, audio, kbm input?

all in sdl2 i assume? dunno about shaders i've just been using unity's fucking shit for years now
after taking like two hours to make a simple fps camera in sdl2 i have decided this is too bare metal for me maybe i will download ogre xD

seems a waste
know what's awesome when i open your software and it immediately opens a browser window to your fucking piece of shit website that's exactly what i want like all the time
you know

i have an old isometric c++ engine i made with sdl2 somewhere
isometric hammergrind????
probably not but interesting idea
i mean the perspective is wrong but
i miss orthogonal 2d cameras

life was simpler
i know imma get roadblocked on lighting/shaders

this is not my wheelhouse
this was pretty fast for a bare bones 2d framework tho ngl thought it'd take longer
lazyfoo + figuring out what's deprecated will get you pretty far
i didn't know there were two ogre versions
"You already know your way around Ogre or can learn the API from source code as Documentation is still scarce"
lol this could mean fucking anything but from the horse's mouth sounds even worse xD
oh thank fuck
broken gles2 don't care tho
hear me out: ada with opengl bindings
iirc i never could actually get rust sdl2 bindings to work

that was like a year ago
i think it was specifically sdl image that gave me problems, i think i got the basic shit to work
ada is some good shit if you've never had the pleasure

not my goto for a game engine language, probably, tho xD
these examples are pretty good
took a wee bit of finessing but
pretty neat, adacore with opengl/glfw working? this is a thing????? wild

software is good sometimes
wonder what the state of spark is
for some reason this camera control is swapped forward/backward


not a huge fan of gnat studio as an ide. at least it has a dark color scheme
tbf i don't like ides in general, which is why i try to do as much work as i can in sublime text 3, so this isn't really a knock against gnat studio xD
one thing that annoys me is it plays the windows WRONG sound when you try to page up at the top of the page

it's not even consistent it won't BROOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGG at you if you try and page down at the bottom
nvidia went hard with spark huh
wonder what the subset spec is 
honestly i've never used ada for anything visual and this is tickling me in a good way
also i feel like there is a connection between the openglada website color scheme and my own tastes in st3
it's unnerving how almost bang on that background color is okay

okay okay abandoning this thread to pretend to actually take a weekend now
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