Something has been really bothering me about when I talk about my counselling and other people change it to say "therapy" and it's been petty and annoying for ages but I think I have figured it out, and it's because it feels erasive of other therapies?
And I've been confused because it's felt like other people are correcting me and that would be fair as language is evolving etc etc. But now it's annoying me because the only type of therapy I see talked about is some form of counselling and the culture very much is
"yess!!! Do this!!!!" and that is only one form of therapy, and lots of other talking therapies can be very traumatic for marginalised people and based upon coercion because they don't want to be labelled as uncooperative or non-compliant?
But "therapy" on here only seems to mean one thing, and I don't want my very boring, vague and unhelpful (but not traumatic or violating) experiences to be used to erase people going through other therapies?
And tbh anxious and depressed people get all of the awareness and discourse anyway? Well, the good and nice and inclusive awareness and discourse.
So when I say "counselling" it's for a reason so stop trying to make me change it or feel guilty.
Also feel like some of this is because "counselling" sounds less specialist and yes? People have much more complex and changing mh needs? These are also the marginalised people who are failed the most by services.
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