As Germany is experiencing a strong increase of new #COVID19 cases, this is happening right now in Berlin. #b0108

A “Day of Freedom” with conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers & right-wing extremists. No one is wearing a mask.
"The mask is the Nazi Jewish star of the unvaccinated", this poster reads. #b0108
"Lock them up finally" with pictures of Bill Gates, Health Min Spahn, virologist Drosten, Söder, Merkel and the head of the RKI. #b0108
The protesters in Berlin are bringing up trucks with anti-mask slogans: "Show me your smile" and "We are loud, because our freedom is being stolen" #b0108
A few more impressions. #b0108
The reactions to this footage can be summed up with the most common reply, the self-explanatory #Covidioten.

End of thread. Over and out. #b0108
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