To teach, or not to teach. That is the question.
A small thread on a big dilemma.
Covid-19 presents us all of us with risk. Risk of becoming ill, possibly dying, risk of becoming chronically ill due to post-Covid damage to our health. As an individual, I manage my own risk.
As the PHO, Dr. Henry must assess the collective risks of Covid for every one of us in BC with each decision and health order that she makes. She has done an amazing job. I don't envy her. I am grateful for her leadership and skills. Still, I am angry.
I know that with each decision, Dr. Henry must balance the collective risk of harm to the population as a whole (community spread) against the possible benefits (flatten the curve). She must also consider the ethics of her decisions, particularly to do no harm. Still, I am angry.
The risk to the population as a whole is very different than the risk to me as an individual. I am assuming that the decision to return to school 100% is based on these guiding principles, as well as science & what we know about Covid so far.
Re: re-opening schools, I know Dr. Henry is measuring the degree of risk to the specific population of a school (rather than whole), against the harms that may experienced by all children collectively, if they don't resume school & some sort of normalcy. Still I am angry.
I know she is trying to mitigate risk of an outbreak within an individual school by proposing these "learning groups", thereby mitigating the risk of a widespread outbreak in the community as a whole because contact tracing will be swift & effective in schools. Still I am angry.
Dr. Henry is looking at the bigger picture. While there may be some terrible outcomes for some individuals, harm to one (or a few) is outweighed by the benefits to all, because those benefits for children have long term significance for their life. But, damn, I am still angry.
Teachers are smart people. We understand science, & we care immensely for the well-being of our students. We, probably more than most, appreciate the necessity of schooling, both for children & to society. After all, we have dedicated our careers & our lives to this vocation.
I know Dr. Henry is making the best decision for the population as a whole. I think I understand her analysis: risk of community spread vs. risk of an outbreak in a specific & known group that can be tracked are not contradictory.The risks are just different.
Six unknown & difficult to trace people in a restaurant presents more risk than a larger,but known, group in a school that can be tracked & traced quickly. It's apples and oranges, & the mitigating strategies for each circumstance are specific to the situation & different.
i get it, yet I am still angry. I have followed Dr. Henry's advice to the letter. I limited my bubble to just me, my dog, my son, and his girlfriend since Spring Break started. I wear a mask to minimize risk to others around me. I wash my hands.
But I haven't seen my 84 year old mother since mid-February, even when she broke her leg. It broke my heart, but it was for the greater good of our family, & for her as an individual. I miss her, & now I will not be able to see her for the forseeable future
So, to teach, or not to teach, that is the question. For me, the return to school is daunting. I am immune compromised, 56, & have asthma. I will have a tough time if I get "the vid", as the kids say.
I know that I must mitigate my individual risks at school, & I know the loss of an individual does not outweigh the benefits to the whole. Just because the risks are greater for me as an individual, that does not mean the risks are greater for the whole.
Still, I am angry. Not because I have to go back to school 100%. Not because I face particularly elevated risks. I am angry because the individuals who give their hearts & souls to the education of our children have not had our concerns, & expertise, given due consideration.
I deserve a safe workplace. If I am sick with worry, or just sick, I cannot contribute to the whole. I cannot teach. I need my leaders, Dr. Henry, @Rob_Fleming, school boards, @BCSTA_President, to help me mitigate my individual risks. I deserve it. We all do.
Aren't we partners in the education of our children? Help me mitigate my risks. Accept that teachers as a whole have expertise in the operations of schools, as do our @BCPVPA colleagues. Listen to us, @bctf, when we offer our expertise on how to do this better.
We can do this, but we must have a better plan. If we don't have a better plan, then I, as an individual with extraordinary risks, must decide if I need stronger measures to mitigate risk and the potential harms that may result if I get Covid.
& so, it remains: to teach or not to teach. I hope things turn around & I can have my employer's expressed commitment to provide me with a safe workplace. Me. As an individual.
Because as I see it, the potential harm to my family outweighs any benefit I as an individual can give the whole. Whew! Thanks for helping me sort that out. I feel a bit less angry now. Over to you, @jjhorgan. #bced @pattibacchus @Kehyslop
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