tiktokers especially muslim tiktokers please stop posting tiktoks using the jojo pose song, you guys do realize those images and crisises can be triggering to people right??? it’s literally the same thing as the breonna taylor tiktoks it’s insensitive
y’all i got a tiktoker mad for saying it’s triggering LMFAOOO
ok let me explain more since i didn’t explain well enough, tiktokers are trying to spread awareness on what is happening to our brothers and sisters in Islam. So they are talking about Yemen, Syria, Somalia, The Uyghur Muslims in China and plenty more. But how they are going-
about it is the problem they are clickbaiting( which i’m not saying is bad because plenty of people clickbait) but they are clickbaiting these crisises and for those that know these crisises are pretty scary and can be triggering. So they clickbait and someone would continue-
watching because there isn’t any trigger warnings and it’s being clickbaited. Also the fact that there aren’t any trigger warnings is crazy because what if people fled from situations just like those?? and another thing why do we have to use the jojo pose song?
jojo pose started as a trend where people posed as their favorite anime character so why are we using it for muslims being dehumanized and going through humanitarian crisises? I just think it’s a bit insensitive
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