block b: i’m your villain (edits just for fun)
박경: 멘탈가출죄
park kyung: the crime of running away with your mentality
비범: 남친빙자죄
b-bomb: the crime of wearing a boyfriend mask
유권: 웃음남발죄
u-kwon: the crime of causing excessive laughter
재효: 외모원탑존잘죄
jaehyo: the crime of being the best looking and most handsome
지코: 널너무사랑한죄
zico: the crime of making you love him too much
태일: 모성자극죄
taeil: the crime of causing motherly instincts
피오: 키스유발죄
P.O: the crime of inducing kisses
these are from block b’s 2014 blockbuster tour and their “crimes” are written next to them !!! i just edited the pictures because these are some of my favorites from them ♡
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